Sunday, March 13, 2011

Get up and Get out

Happiness is...

Being completely self-motivated to exercise. When I joined the gym in November I was reluctant. Every day was a personal struggle to get up, get dressed, and head out. The first 40 minutes of the 50 minute workout was nagging and strenuous. I could not imagine why anyone enjoyed working out, aside from the slight release of adrenaline and lowered cortisol. Yes, it has its perks, but it is seriously a royal pain in my ass.

Now, months later, I feel bogged down and stressed out when I miss more than a day. I get excited to grab my book and bottle of water (yes, I read on the treadmill). After a while of making it a habit it has become a treasured part of my day.

It's worth it too. I feel overall happier, healthier, and completely competent. It's a difficult thing to explain, but I do know... happiness is the thrill of a good run.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT! Try a cycle class if they offer them! I love teaching them and the members seem to really love it!
