Saturday, April 30, 2011


Happiness is...

Finalized decisions. The power of choice is such a great thing, and while I appreciate it, there is nothing like having your mind made up at last. The lease is signed, the assistantship is arranged, the pieces of life are just falling into place. I worked hard for this, and it's finally here. And yes, that makes me happy.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Avenue Q

Happiness is...

Puppet Musicals. I made it to Avenue Q last night, and it was everything I dreamed of. The puppets shared the exact outfits with their cast members which made it adorably fluid. One puppet was so large it took the entire back side of someone, head to toe, and he had to operate it in reverse.

And the songs..."What do you do with a B.A. in English?", "It Sucks to Be Me", "If you were gay", "Purpose", "Everyone's a Little Bit Racist", "The Internet is for Porn"...

It was like an adult version of Sesame Street, and I was like a child on the edge of my seat. Bring on more Avenue Q!

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Happiness is...

Twins territory. Last night I sat in the bleachers underneath snow flurries to be able to watch my men play, in fact. And, despite the fact that I had to stand in line for 25 minutes for hot cocoa and left because I couldn't feel my toes, it was totally worth it. Ten reasons to love a baseball game:

1. Ballpark hot dogs and beer
2. Getting up and dancing during musical interludes
3. Screaming the "right" calls at the umpire
4. Hoping for a comeback, even in the 7th, 8th, and 9th innings
5. Celebrating with strangers. Home run? High fives all around!
6. Taking a million pictures in your gear or with the field as the perfect backdrop
7. Singing and clapping every cheer: "Take Me Out to the Ballgame..."
8. Beauty of the stadium in the midst of the city skyline
9. The spirit of the game. It's a sport for everyone, even if you don't understand the rules.
10. The feeling of being closer to the sport than ever

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Trail Mix

Happiness is...

Trail mix.

Eating a handful takes three times as long as any other possible snack... why? Because each bite tossed into my mouth must be the perfect combination of craisin, raisin, nut, chocolate, and all other surprises. That's why trail mix is so great. It gives each person complete power to choose the proportions.

Granted, some people just grab pieces of the mix at random, but that is excusable... they're simply inexperienced with the joys of what makes up the perfect mouthful, mixed to desire. One day, the whole world will know the wonders.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Extended episodes

Happiness is...

Extended episodes.

Just when I was beginning to enjoy the show, I realized that it was just the start. Good things should be extra long, after all. Neckties, bedsheets, candy bars. And feel-good television shows like GLEE.

I don't care what you say, GLEE has outstanding cast. Their soundtrack is unbeatable. The plot may leave a little something to be desired, but I am totally and completely in love. And tonight I got to hold on for just another half hour. Rock on.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Happiness is...

Talking into the fan to hear your voice transformed.

"Luke, I am your father"

You would think I'd have grown out of it at 23 years old. But you'd be thinking wrong! The joys of childhood...

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Happiness is...

A relaxing holiday with the whole family.

The day started with a cup of coffee and a quiet morning on the porch. Church was warm and welcoming, as usual. Our Easter dinner included pineapple glazed ham, salad, potatoes, green beans, rolls, jello salad, AND orange poppyseed cake.

And yes, I got to eat the cake. TGIEASTER! Lent is over and chocolate is back <3

Oh yeah, and we got to sit around and catch up and play games. Watch a movie and cuddle up. Spend some time just plain sitting around. What an afternoon.

Happy Easter... He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Happiness is...

GNO. Girls Night Out. Vodka Sours. Dancing. Gossip. Hugs. Giggles. Love. Perfection.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

Happiness is...

A peaceful, pensive, powerful Good Friday.

We concluded with a service that had activities, readings, and reflections as according to the stations of the cross: There are presently Fourteen Stations of the Cross on the Via Dolorosa, some with chapels or places to pray and meditate.

1. Christ condemned to death;
2. the cross is laid upon him;
3. His first fall;
4. He meets His Blessed Mother;
5. Simon of Cyrene is made to bear the cross;
6. Christ's face is wiped by Veronica;
7. His second fall;
8. He meets the women of Jerusalem;
9. His third fall;
10. He is stripped of His garments;
11. His crucifixion;
12. His death on the cross;
13. His body is taken down from the cross; and
14. He is laid in the tomb.

Imagine that. What kinds of burdens did you have to bear today?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Good News!

Happiness is...

Good news, at last.

The multitudes of pieces in graduate school astound me.

God has been great lately. I have been in the process of interviewing with assistantships that would help fund graduate school, because without them it would have to be all loans (my current job is not salaried). I thought that was what God was telling me, that it'd be easy. It wasn't. I wasn't sure how I was expected to continue life as is when I would be trying to pay for grad school. But I thought one of the assistantships would come through, so I continued walking where I thought he was leading me. When it got to the last week I still had no answer, and wasn't sure when I would get one. I took a leap of faith.

There was still no hope... but I felt at peace, and I think that's a God thing. I'm glad to say that I got the call at last today---I got an assistantship with an office on campus that will fund my studies! ...I learned from the last few months. I finally understand putting my trust in God instead of only half believing he has control. I learned patience, perseverance, obedience, and the most faith I could have ever dreamed of. I learned that things don't have to go your way for you to know they're going. He has his hand in my life, and I couldn't be more blessed!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Internet Radio

Happiness is...

Internet radio. No focus at work? No problem. Head to Pandora or Last FM or any other one of the plethora of music sites and they'll put together a convenient mix for you---genius.

Whether you feel like Jason Mraz, Dispatch, Guster, or even if you'd prefer Journey, there is a special place where you can zone back in and get things done.

That's awesome.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Happiness is...

Knowing that no matter what happens, you have a strong support system of people who love and believe in you. Today he showed it by sending me flowers. Not much needed to be written on the card for it to be a gentle reassurance.

I am loved. And sometimes, that's enough. The flowers will wilt but my spirit will soar (I hope) through this period of unknown.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Women in leadership

Happiness is...

A little inspiration from women in leadership.

This weekend I had the pleasure of attending a women's conference, where I had several insights make an impact on me:
- Perception matters: the language about women is powerful. What are your defining characteristics? Hard-working? Dependable? Collaborative? Smart? Driven or Strategic?! I thought not.
- Women do not get ahead because they are not expected to strive for it. We are marginalized, not by men but by everyone. No is not an answer, it is the beginning of a negotiation. What we do to get ahead defines if we will. It is not aggressive, nor is it bragging, if it's fact.
- Women need a group of women who support them and build up their successes, not a group threatened by them (or settling).
- Your personal brand has a voice, whether or not you choose to manage it. Your image and voice can communicate the experience of working with you.
- Positive, authentic communication changes things.
- You must be able to leverage your emotional intelligence, ask for what you need, and make quick decisions in order to find opportunity.
- APRIL 12, 2011 MARKED PAY EQUITY DAY: It took until that day for a woman to make the exact salary as her male counterpart in the 2010 calendar year.

It's all a learning experience. What have you learned?

Me---I've learned that I AM enough.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Happiness is...


I was active in High School, because it was the joy of my life to put on a face and enjoy my fellow cast members in our adventures.
The sets.
The make up.
The roses.
The friends.
The jokes.
The late nights.
The hard lessons.
When I was a child I acted like a child. Now I don't act at all. But it will always stay with me as fond memories. Now, I get to go to shows and fall into them. I get to watch the characters flail about and paint the elaborate picture of their extravagant lives, and nothing else seems to matter. At least for tonight.

I know that I will always enjoy theatre. I will be a patron of the arts, and noone else can object. I welcome the drama. :)

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Happiness is...

Laughing so hard your cheeks hurt. There are worse kinds of pain out there. Laughter is the best medicine, despite the fact that you could possibly get worn out. At least with your smile muscles working, you have hope for your life. Wrinkles? Who cares. Keep it up, sir comedy.

Tonight, it was an epic play. Yesterday it was a drink with friends. But life will always throw curve balls your way and I've learned you must make an investment in your own personal sanity. You are enough.

Keep it light, give a good giggle. It's contagious!

Friday, April 15, 2011


Happiness is...

The weekend.

In fact, it's so great that I continually neglect my blogging. Sorry guys.

There are more important things in life...
like... happiness?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Child's Smile

Happiness is...

A child's smile.

Yesterday while I was tutoring she was giggling, even. When I asked her what was so funny she replied that she simply loved reading. This was a great moment, astounding really... just a few months ago I had to fight with her to get her to continue to the next page. And now, when she reads the words right she claps her hand. Making a difference, and man does it feel good.

Today a student approached my desk and just hovered. I asked her what she needed and she said, "Nothing... you're just my favorite." I would never have known.

It's the simple moments. Really.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Happiness is...

When your blinker synchronizes perfectly with the song on the radio. Let it go, and start bobbing along as well. It's God's little way of jamming out. Or Saturn's... who knows.

In any case, it's finally time to roll the windows down to boot. Bring on the good summer music!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spring Cleaning.

Happiness is...

Spring cleaning time.

Am I actually a person who enjoys cleaning? I think I'd rather chew on my tax forms. However, when I am sitting in the center of a tidy room, staring at several bags of clutter I plan to donate... that is a glorious moment.

I grew up as a pack rat. I may not use that telescope now, but you never know when the apocalypse will hit and that will be our saving grace. I haven't worn that shirt in 3 years but what if I want to wear it next month some time? These are negative thought patterns that I had to overcome. Strive to toss. And now, I take spring cleaning seriously. It's the time to ask myself how important my personal sanity is versus how important that old purse is. Guess which one I pick?

Sometimes it's the old purse. But more often than not, I am happy with the result of de-cluttering. Happy Cleaning, folks!

Monday, April 11, 2011


Happiness is...

Disney. What else can get your mind off of the cruelty of life? Whether belting out the words to a Whole New World or quoting the best of Lion King, there will always be warmth in your heart and a twinkle in your eyes. And no, I am not being cheesy---it is 100% accurate.

Tonight we had a debate over whether Belle was, in fact, the most stellar princess... I mean, she reads! However, it was not very nice to yell at the beast, he has a complex.

Bottom line: I love Disney. Disney is the root of all happiness.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Happiness is...

The smell of fresh rain. It's the crisp, wet, sweet scent as a glorious prelude to a quiet afternoon.

There are a lot of things that perk up my nose. The smell of a new rain is one of them. The smell of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies is another. The smell of a cheap paper towel is also up there. Call me crazy, but I'm going to continue letting these kinds of things make me smile. :)

Friday, April 8, 2011


Happiness is...

A nice glass of smooth white wine.

Once upon a time I got the chance to go to the Tuscan countryside and enjoy a wine tasting in a Chianti winery. I learned the complexities of a good wine.
You have to hold it at the stem; not only will your fingerprints not taint the look of the wine, but you don't risk warming it up...
Swirl it around to catch all of the scents embodied within. This is not necessary except for with an older red, but it is definitely worth it. The longer it takes for the beads of wine to come back down the glass, the richer it is.
Finally comes putting it to your lips. Let it find its way to every corner of your palette, so that each unique flavor can be discovered by the different parts of your tongue.
What are the sensations? Do you find berries or apples, pears or peaches, or even cinnamon, chamomile, oak?

Today, the wine is a simple German Riesling. Still, it's delightful. I will never forget the experiences I've had and I'll never turn down a sweet glass half full. Yes, I see it half full.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Happiness is...

Putting time and effort into gifts for loved ones.

Getting gifts is great. Giving is tenfold more fulfilling. To see the look on their face, the smile across their lips, the shine in their eye, it is worth it to know that you can make that happen. I like homemade and heartfelt gifts because they know how much energy went into it. Thinking hard about what they would appreciate the most already begins to bring warmth to my heart.

Gifts. Nothing can compare.
This evening I was spending time on the couch working on one, eagerly anticipating wrapping it up with a giant bow on the top and handing it to someone I care about. Pure bliss.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Happiness is...

[self-kuhn-trohl, self-]
control or restraint of oneself or one's actions, feelings, etc.

Isn't this what lent is all about? I decided to sacrifice desserts this year. It has not been an easy stretch, but I've officially made it four weeks. 28 days.

The custom of giving something up throughout this time is meant to bring us closer to God by turning it over to him. I had contemplating letting him have one of my sinful habits, but I knew I would fall. Learning self-control is a difficult and daily struggle. We are imperfect, and that is the reality. I can barely even identify with his sufferings, and I know that I am still chasing the wrong things.

Today, happiness comes from looking at the candy around my desk without temptation. But man, am I ever anticipating my Easter basket this year!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Happiness is...

-tler, -tlest, verb, -tled, -tling.

1.kindly; amiable: a gentle manner.
2.not severe, rough, or violent; mild: a gentle wind; a gentle tap on the shoulder.
3.moderate: gentle heat.
4.gradual: a gentle slope.
5.of good birth or family; wellborn.
6.characteristic of good birth; honorable; respectable: a gentle upbringing.
7.easily handled or managed; tractable: a gentle animal.
8.soft or low: a gentle sound.

Soothing. Tender. Merciful. Temperate. Tame.
At the moment I have no reaction other than to believe this is God's will in my life. Less worry and more calm. Peacemaker among friends and community. Counselor.

Monday, April 4, 2011


Happiness is...

[feyth-fuhl] Show IPA
1.strict or thorough in the performance of duty: a faithful worker.
2.true to one's word, promises, vows, etc.
3.steady in allegiance or affection; loyal; constant: faithful friends.
4.reliable, trusted, or believed.
5.adhering or true to fact, a standard, or an original; accurate: a faithful account; a faithful copy.
6.Obsolete . full of faith; believing.

The recent development in my church is a plan for a food shelf. When I first heard the idea, I discounted it as impossible. Where did I miss the message that nothing is impossible with God? It is our duty to lift up our neighbors and heal the community, and I am finally on board.

I have been thinking about what my place is in the whole matter. I want it to be significant but I have no idea how significant my role could possibly be. Lately, happiness is the resolve to make a difference, no matter how small. I'm ready. Are you?

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Happiness is...


1.the state or quality of being good.
2.moral excellence; virtue.
3.kindly feeling; kindness; generosity.
4.excellence of quality: goodness of workmanship.
5.the best part of anything; essence; strength.
6.a euphemism for god: Thank goodness!

I particularly like the fifth definition. Goodness means that essence to me, and it is something that deserves gratitude. I hope, one day, to be described with goodness. There is a long way to go to be like Jesus but for now I strive.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Happiness is...


1.the state or quality of being kind: kindness to animals.
2.a kind act; favor: his many kindnesses to me.
3.kind behavior: I will never forget your kindness.
4.friendly feeling; liking.

Have you ever felt like your life is going better than you deserved?
This weekend is happiness. I spent yesterday surrounded by fun and encouraging coworkers, then the night with the man, and much more still to come. People are good. I am convinced wholeheartedly of this fact. And I will continue holding on until I can no longer bear it.

Friday, April 1, 2011


Happiness is...

/ˈpeɪʃəns/ [pey-shuhns]

1.the quality of being patient, as the bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune, or pain, without complaint, loss of temper, irritation, or the like. ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay: to have patience with a slow learner.
3.quiet, steady perseverance; even-tempered care; diligence: to work with patience.

For me, patience means being able to stay calm in long wait. Currently, when people ask me details about where I'll be next year I don't have an answer for them. Applications for graduate schools go in throughout December. Interviews begin in February. Acceptance letters come in March. Funding is worked out through April. And finally, I'll be able to have some direction.

Patience is the compassion to deal with family and friends with kind words and a flexible spirit. Patience is the resolve in mind, and it is evasive. Patience is something I strive for daily, but something valuable to achieve. Patience brings happiness, am I wrong?