If I look back I realize that from a very young age I have lived my life to the fullest... most of the time. Too often things just seem to get in the way, the world throws little snags under my feet, and I stumble.
I know what's important to me. I have big dreams. But I also have bigger issues. Depression and similar disorders affect approximately 18.8 million American adults or about 9.5% of the U.S. population age 18 and older in a given year. Everyone, at some point in their life, is bound to be affected by depression -- their own or someone else's. Depression among youth is increasing at a rate of 23% and growing. I believe in change. This cannot continue.
I am going to school this fall to become a counselor and I am wholeheartedly invested in changing lives for the better. At the end of 2010 I looked back on the year and realized that I needed a bigger purpose to keep some things in check. I started this project as a daily, simple, reminder of the small things in life to be thankful for. It is a daunting task, but it is something that I hope will change my life... and those around me. What better New Year's resolution than to take the time to be happy?
Please read on. Comment. Show me you're out there. If you want, I always welcome suggestions: what makes you happy?