Sunday, July 31, 2011


Happiness is...

How I met your mother. Friends ran an amazing ten seasons. And after it was all over (and I rewatched each season a half dozen times) I wasn't sure I'd ever love again. Not until Ted, Marshall, Barney, Lily, and Robin came along. What can I say, they won my heart. They have brought redemption to national television. And they give me a new sitcom to take pleasure in. It may sound superficial to ba so attached to fictional characters. Well, it is. What do you have to say about it? I like my life. Get over it.

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Happiness is...

Theatre. It was part of my past life, but I loved it regardless. Even now reminiscing, it does wonders for my mood.

Friday, July 29, 2011


Happiness is...

The beach... Ahhhh... some vitamin D and a little healthy people watching!

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Happiness is...

Motorcycles. What better way to celebrate the summer than with a little wind in your hair and some bounce in your step?

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

waking up before the alarm

Happiness is...

When you wake up two minutes before your alarm. This morning, that was the case. I rolled over and opened my eyes, with perfect timing, and never had to have the ringing in my ears. When your biological clock is set right, that is bliss. When you don't have to snooze and snooze and snooze some more, it's a relief. And when you bounce out of bed rejuvenated like this, nothing can get your down. Today is a good day already... and I've barely even started yet!

brownie bites

Happiness is...

Brownie Bites.

They're almost guilt free! Just another miniature snack, gotta catch 'em all! Brownie bites are special because they give you the appropriate amount of succulent dessert without and regrets. Tonight, I had two---still not feeling bad about it either!

Monday, July 25, 2011


Happiness is...

Mothers without consequences.
Lenses into the past.
Cookie jars, recipe books, yum.
Friendly family storybook.
Comedic relief and Wisdom in a convenient little package.
And I mean little :)

I love you Grandma!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Thai food

Happiness is...

Thai food. Any foreign food really.

Every time I go to another country I try to experience something new. Unfortunately, I can't afford to go to another country for a while. Instead, I settle for little restaurants in the city. I love foreign food because it gives a flavor beyond my normal pallet and it gives me the tiniest glimpse into another life.

We got thai. And I had enough leftovers to enjoy it for 2 days! Incredible.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Polished and ready for my night...

Happiness is...

Red Hot Red nail polish. It's a real color, and it makes me automatically real sassy. Watch out Minneapolis! I am polished and ready for my night. Wherever it takes me, I've got my red fingernails. See you soon.

Tonight is a ladies night downtown. I am excited and a little nervous but mostly excited. My friends make my world go round.

Friday, July 22, 2011


Happiness is...

Paychecks. It's a sad truth... they make the world go round.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Happiness is...

Ellen Degeneres.

Comedian, Actress, and most importantly TV Host. Today was a rare day when I was still poking around at home around 9am, so I was able to catch the Ellen show. With Mila Kunis, Justin Timberlake, and Lady Gaga, it was a great choice for my morning. After that hour, nothing could get me down! She's won thirteen emmys for a reason.

I think there are few shows on television today with great characters and a good message. Ellen is awesome because she can make my gut hurt from laughter, or she can touch my heart. Plus, she's got great celebrity friends! I'll never be that cool, so for now I'll just settle for being a loyal fan.

And, if you didn't hear, she's moving to afternoon this fall to take Oprah's place. That's right, my Ellen will be the new Oprah! <3

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Frequent buyer cards

Happiness is...

Frequent buyer cards. And why not reward me after my seventh cup of coffee? I don't care if it's a marketing scheme, it works. And I'll enjoy the next six cups of joe. Congratulations, you have my undying loyalty!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Happiness is...

When the rain breaks the heat; in a hot mid afternoon, it sometimes gets hazy on the horizon. People can begin to lose hope, and then suddenly... downpour. Relief. Haze watered down by nature's bliss.

On a day like today, we deserved it.

Monday, July 18, 2011

On happiness (part 2)

"The happy think a lifetime short, but to the unhappy one night can be an eternity."


Air Conditioning

Happiness is...

Air conditioning. I never realized how good I had it until it was gone, and now I'm sitting at work sweating through my t-shirt, eagerly anticipating the moment I get home and can crank it up. Heat index of 115 and no a/c at school OR on the commute? No thank you. What the heck, mother nature?! Relief comes in T-minus two hours!

p.s. This is post #200 in my blog :) Go me!

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Happiness is...

The beach. Sunny sandy wonderful. It's the great combination of soaking up some Vitamin D and soaking in the water just having some fun. And yes, I was even there today. Heat index of 115 can't get me down!

We drove with the windows down, we splashed around and spread our towels out wide, and we left very happy.

p.s. the beach is my absolute favorite spot to people watch, if you were wondering...

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Skinny Cow

Happiness is...

Skinny Cows. Yummmmmm!

No, I don't encourage starving your livestock. I'm referring instead to the low cal ice cream bars, guilt free desserts... They're a great invention, and they make my life and little indulgences so much better :) They come in classic vanilla, mint, cookies and cream, and many others. They melt in your hand and you're left licking off each fingertip. Don't worry though, I'm usually smiling when I do so!

I recommend them if you get a chance to wander through your local freezer section, summer will be easier. Just trust me.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Blanket of Cat

Happiness is...

When you're cuddled by a cat on one side, and another on the other. Who needs a blanket when you have furry balls of wonderful?

It's nicest when it's evened out. That's why I recommend two cats.
One for each leg/arm/side.
One for each hand.
Two companions.
Two is better than one!

And no, I'm not just that greedy.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

awake with time to spare

Happiness is...

Extra time in the morning. Time to wake up, time to be me. Today, there's plenty.

So many people awake to late alarms and rush around the house. Not I. I prefer to wake up with ample time to get on my game, eat breakfast (yum!) and dawdle in the morning. So what if I miss that extra 20 minutes of sleep? I get to savor the joy of the early dawn, birds chirping, quiet breeze. And this is all coming from someone who is absolutely NOT a morning person to boot.

There's just something to be said about quiet. Reflection. Time. Breakfast.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Happiness is...

When you laugh so hard your jaws/cheeks start to hurt.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Happy Hours

Happiness is...

Happy Hours. Having a rough day at work? Don't worry, there are beer specials created to make you "happy". And trust me, they do. Go chill out with some coworkers or some good friends and unwind. You deserve it.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Cuddled by Cats

Happiness is...

Cats who get in your face even when you think you don't want them there... you never know when you'll need them there.

Mine are thus inclined, and as annoyed as I sometimes get I can't help recognizing the sheer heartwarming nature that they provide. I love cuddling them, I love getting fed up by them cuddling me. I especially love waking up with a face full of them. I am loved.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Happiness is...

Sleep timers.

Want to watch a couple episodes of sitcom abc before you go to bed? Well, feel free. But by God, you don't have to leave your tv on until the wee hours of the morning. No, you don't, not when you can push a quick button and let your tv turn itself off. Don't bother waking up, getting up, walking over to the box and giving it up... not when you can set the timer for 30 minutes and roll over. Roll over into a great night's sleep. And we know what good sleep does to us---wake up happy, why don't you?

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Happiness is...


Seriously, who sat down one day and decided that the whole world should just share books? It's a brilliant idea. Just down the street you can find resources, services, and sources, all for common use. Even if you don't find exactly what you're looking for, they can retrieve it for you from another building.

So few things these days are really communal, but I know if I want to get a good read I can just borrow it from the library. All for free. Tell me something that can even compare.

Friday, July 8, 2011

baby animals

Happiness is...

Baby animals. They're ALL so adorable!

We have an enclosed courtyard at the school I work at, and there is a family of ducks living inside of it (babies can't fly til 7 weeks). It provides basically an observation deck for the family interaction, and I'm enjoying it thoroughly! I only wish we could do a better job of taking care of them... for the time being, I will watch the action!

After all, this is the time... the end of spring and beginning of baby season. Kittens, puppies, goslings, ad now ducklings. Just wonderful.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Word games

Happiness is...

Scrabble. I like words. I like games. Why not combine them?
Bananagrams... peel, peel, peel, bananas!
Words with friends. OH WORDS WITH FRIENDS!

Word games keep me on my toes, and they very easily keep me happy.

Don't give me no chess, no checkers, just give me my tiles.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Til your feet hurt...

Happiness is...

When you're having so much fun you barely even notice your feet start to hurt. Muscle pain is caused by working your body, and if I dance so much I ache that can't possibly be a bad thing, correct? I love Wednesday nights, and going out with my girls, and moving. Let it rock.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Photo booth

Happiness is...

Photo booths. Make up a few cheesy smiles and get ready..



Here's your strip of happy. Thanks for coming.

Monday, July 4, 2011


Happiness is...

Fireworks. After all, today is the day for celebrations with pyrotechnics. Tubes are filled with combustible materials, preparing to blow noise, light, color, and even confetti. In other words, firework displays are literally happiness in a neat little package.

Did you know that they were invented by the Chinese in the seventh century to scare away evil spirits?

Fireworks give me the rare chance to simply relax and enjoy some bright lights. Accompanied by some "Ooos" and "Aaahs", it's a timeless afternoon. Have a good holiday all, and find a great show!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

So many things to be happy about.

Happiness is...

A million things. Friday marked six months of this blog, six months of finding the little things in life that make me happy. Six months of reminding myself what I'm grateful for. AND today marks fifteen months with Dave... all these months and I still am forgetting things. This weekend has been happy. Here's a glimpse:

Happiness is air conditioning. After a heat index of 111 at school, 250 kids, 6 hours, and no air, it was one of the things I was most looking forward to Friday afternoon. Heck, my car doesn't even have A/C. So when I arrived home it was truly glorious, and I appreciated it tenfold.

Happiness is 3D glasses, and popcorn with real butter. Get lost in the scene and Get full on buttery goodness. It's a good idea, and especially on those days of 111 heat index. ;)

Happiness is sugar free lattes...

Happiness is Bananagrams. Happiness is beginner's luck. Happiness is a nice afternoon with enough games to keep you busy. Happiness is enjoying summer without hours of television. Happiness is NOT goodbyes, but I'm ready.

Six months and six to go. Have a happy afternoon!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Foreign Food

Happiness is...

Thai Food.

In fact, I love all foreign food. But up there in my priorities is a good pad thai or pad see yew. Mmmm. Today we got some, and then we had the leftovers for dinner. What could be better than twice in a day?

A very relaxing weekend, I must tell you. You should try it sometime.

Friday, July 1, 2011

One more thing...

"Happiness is something that comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open."

Rose Wilder Lane