Monday, February 28, 2011


Happiness is...

The bonus round. Yessss... get it!

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Happiness is...

A mid day nap.

In Spain, businesses literally shut down in the afternoon hours so that people could go home, enjoy their family, and relax for a few hours. Siestas have spread around the world, and with good reason. My day is just better when I get to lay down in the early afternoon. It has been way too long since I had a nice nap, and today I took the time to indulge. Not only do I feel less sick and more energy, but I feel a little more sane. And we could all use a little sanity from time to time.

Next time your eyes are droopy or you feel close to a tantrum, take an hour to turn off the lights, pull down the shades, and crawl under your blankets. You'll be amazed by the difference it makes. The weekend should be treated as such, so try to take some time out like the world was meant to.

Naps. Yes. Good sleep, cozy dreams, and a refreshed perspective on the remainder of your Sunday. Thank you EspaƱa.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Post from a friend

Happiness is...

Simple words from good friends:

If you want to be happy -- choose to be.

If you dwell on negativity your life is going to be just that.

If you smile on the world, it WILL smile back.

Enjoy the little things, they may be gone someday (People included).

Do the things that you want to do, because you are in charge of your own life, and if you let other people determine your decisions you may live in regret someday.

Spend time with the people who lift you up, bring laughter to your lips, and who you cannot live without.

Don't over-complicate things. Things are already as complicated as they need to be.

When things get overwhelming and you feel like life is falling apart, remember your blessings - don't focus on the curses.

Remember no one has control over your life but YOU. Make the best of it.

Be content but always strive for more.

Don't be complacent or think you know it all, you always have something to learn.

When you are upset by someone - put yourself in their shoes, try to see their perspective - This will give you the much needed outside view.

Don't wish away any moment, you will never get it back.

Keep it simple, and always remember "Life will go on" regardless of the circumstance.

SMILE no matter what, it makes a difference.

All credit goes to my dear friend Rebecca, who brought sincere and pure happiness into my evening through a tactful, thoughtful blog post. Thank you for sharing the happy!


Happiness is...

Knowing I CAN do this. I have the interviews and acceptance letters to prove it!

Things are coming together. The next piece of my life is not a distant future anymore, it is beginning to solidify as a plan, and that gives me a lot of emotions... a roller coaster of emotions... Nevertheless, happiness is indeed one of them.

Wish me luck!

Friday, February 25, 2011


Happiness is...

- To-do lists
- Places you want to go
- Reading lists
- Bucket lists
- Things I want to accomplish this week/month/year
- Bad habits I want to get rid of
- Pros and Cons, of whatever particular topic
- Grocery lists
- Favorites list

See? They're fun.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Happiness is...

The car alert that comes with leaving your keys in the ignition. The way the car politely screams out your oopsies is a godsend. I remember the age when I drove a 1990 Corsica and locked my keys in my car more than once. Heck, I can recall an event locking my keys in my car while the engine was running---luckily we are past those times!

Now, if I forget my keys in the ignition the bell begins to ring. What a sweet little Saturn... Even if I disregard it, the lock will automatically undo itself, for my sake. Please tell me you're fortunate enough to have a similar component in your car, or perhaps you are just much less absent-minded. It wouldn't be very difficult to outdo me there.

Regardless of how intelligent you are, you often don't even have to think. Technology has begun to outsmart the general public. Sometimes, it's frankly annoying. However, other times, it saves my ass. Thank you Saturn!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Happy they're happy

Happiness is...

Being appreciated for the work I do. The life of a volunteer coordinator is filled with highs and deep lows, and often I can get bogged down. I take things seriously. I get very invested and very discouraged by the regular ebb and flow.

I take a lot of responsibility for recruiting, training, supervising, and retaining my volunteers. When it doesn't work well, it pretty much sucks.

But then there are the volunteers who make a point to tell you on their way out the door, "it has been such a pleasure working with you, you have a great program here and I am having fun!" Things that make the work worth it: people who see what you have done for them and are happy that you took the time. Without them, I just wouldn't. So, thank YOU for continuing to come, and for brightening my day while you're at it!

Monday, February 21, 2011


Happiness is...

Tattoos. What more can I say?

They're neat. They're permanent. They're happy.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday Goody Sunday,

Happiness is...

The right blend of chocolate, sugar, milk, and coffee... a fresh homemade mocha, try and beat that.

My favorite thing about Sunday mornings is that I get to wake up to eggs and bacon before church. My dad cooks, consistently, for a good start to the week. It never fails, and it's comfort food in its finest.

My second favorite thing is my own perfect concoction. I have come to truly appreciate coffee + cocoa + milk + sugar. With the strength of a hearty breakfast and the perfect cup of coffee, I go through my morning and rejuvenate myself to take on a brand new week. Thank God for Sunday mornings; and the best part is, Sunday was made to thank God. Take that, Monday.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 50

Happiness is...

This daily affirmation of the things in life to be grateful for.

"Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have."

This is the entire reason I do what I do. It's been 50 days since I started the project, and it only gets better. There is something special about putting in the time to acknowledge every small thing that makes me happy. It multiplies, and I am exponentially happier. Everybody has a reason for the things they are passionate about... I have many reasons to love my life, to be passionate about a vast array of fulfilling things. And I am.

Happiness is this.

Friday, February 18, 2011


Happiness is...

Skipping the extra layer.

Welcome Spring!

p.s. I got an interview for a graduate program today :) oh happy day.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Happiness is...

Hummus. There are a million varieties. And now you can make it from sweet potatoes! Happiness is hummus because I'm always in the mood for it and I never feel guilty for eating it. Put it on a pita, on crackers, on celery or carrots, or just dip your finger in it and savor the chickpea and garlic.

Why was I born White? I am convinced I should have come from another country, because everything that I think is bland or annoying is American. Go figure. For now, I am happy eating our wonderful foreign food mock-ups or imports. When I'm rich and famous (not if!) I will spend extra time walking the Incan trail. I will head to Australia to go bungee jumping. I will hang out in Moscow for the afternoon. I will fly down to Jordan or Lebanon or something and sit on my camel and chow down on some real hummus, tabouli, lamb, what have you. As for now, I am content.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Stockinette, Ribbing, Cabling, Oh my!

Happiness is...

The perfect seed stitch. Heck, Happiness is all kinds of knitting. It's not only something easy to do while you sit through the mundane television shows or chat about nonsense, it is a tangible creative project. You can make neat things to show off or you can finish a thoughtful gift for a friend.

Now that I'm more adept at it, I only like it more. Next step, making garments. It's a craft that I don't see getting old, and it makes me smile. So there.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Happiness is...

Sleeping in... even if it's only until about 8am. In the early morning your bed is warm, cozy, and perfect for you---which is exactly why it is so painful to leave it. You look forward to the weekend just for that extra couple hours of shut eye.

One-third of young adults are pathologically sleepy during the day. The extra-hour of sleep received when clocks are put back at the start of daylight in Canada has been found to coincide with a fall in the number of road accidents. And sleep loss of four hours is equivalent to being drunk with a blood alcohol level of 0.1%

Today wasn't exactly everything I dreamed of. However, despite the rough afternoon I had today, my morning was awesome, and remained warm and cozy until I decided I'd like to get up and shower. If only it was that great every morning.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Happiness is...

Valentine's Day. And every little blissful moment that surrounds it.

This year is my first year being in a serious relationship with someone in February. For once, I get chocolates from someone besides my mother, and I get to celebrate with someone I can hold tight... as splendid as my evenings with girlfriends are, I am really going to enjoy myself.

Happiness is going to a late night showing of a 3D children's movie, narrated by the cutest one ever: "that's a boobie bra!". Happiness is cooking dinner for two. Happiness is getting snazzed up and sitting down to a nice Zydeco show downtown. Happiness is being walked to the door, as you always imagined a perfect date ended. Happiness is knowing that, for now, tomorrow doesn't matter so much. I can indulge in the atmosphere around Valentine's Day, and just enjoy being spoiled.

Happy V Day to everyone in my life. After all, if you're in my life you deserve every ounce of love I can send out. You are special. Don't worry, be happy.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Happiness is...

A baby's smile. The entire reason I will take care of them. They are God's most precious gift and their smile is pure and wonderful.

Get them to smile, giggle, play, babble, and then give them back to their rightful parents when they get unruly. If only everything was that easy.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

La la la

Happiness is...

Getting a good song stuck in your head for once.

Not only is it a reminder of the good times you've had in the vicinity of that tune, but it puts a bounce in your step that lasts the entirety of your afternoon. Thank God for music. More importantly, thank God that there is still so much quality music out there! I never have to be truly concerned for the world :)

So find your jive, and keep it going tomorrow. And remember, “Music takes us out of the actual and whispers to us dim secrets that startle our wonder as to who we are, and for what, whence, and whereto.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, February 11, 2011

Young Love

Happiness is...

Young love. In fact, walking around a school filled with 12 and 13 year olds is pretty monotonous until days like today. No, today was no ordinary day... we concluded instruction at 12:30 to prepare for a mid-afternoon Valentine's dance. No uniforms required, the kids came to school dressed to impress. It was simply endearing.

As staff, our duties included helping the logistics surrounding the dance as well as patrolling to keep them out of shenanigans. In fact, one of the staff members walked the perimeter of the crowd with a flashlight, ready to shine it on any perpetrators who decided to start grinding or sucking face.

Amidst all of this, I was able to really take in the students from a different perspective. Near the DJ there were several couples engaged in slow-dancing, laying their heads on each others' shoulders, holding each other tightly. The real smile crept onto my face when the songs changed to hard rap and the couples continued to sway slowly in each others' arms. As if the beat change was difficult to notice. Wonderful...

In any case, things seem simpler in these days, and they fall for every boy they spend a week with. I realize now the growth I have made but I wouldn't give up young love for the world! Happy almost-V-day, all.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Happiness is...

Girl Scout Cookies... and buying them from my students. Samoas. I want them now.

Yes, it's for a good cause and I am helping a little girl reach her goal, but man are they ever worth it in ways beyond this. :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Giving it to others!

Happiness is...

Knowing that you've touched someone's life.

I used to work a summer job with about thirty 5yr olds. We got to play games, go outside, spend time in the pool and at the library and on field trips... It was an awesome gig.

Last July I saw one of the parents at B&N, and little did I know he remembered me and was thinking of me---the kids actually missed me! It was a fun conversation in the middle of the foreign language section, and it warmed my heart for a few hours.

If that wasn't enough, he stopped me at the community center today... "I meant to tell you at the bookstore... you always told me he was a natural on skates, and I honestly wouldn't have noticed it myself. You have no idea how big that was." He really wouldn't have known (especially given the meek nature of this particular boy), and a 5yr old couldn't begin to express the joy he had felt in that little time we spent on the ice for a diversion that short summer.

Turns out he is now at hockey practice 3 times a week. They told me it wouldn't have happened without my insight. No, I'm not the end all be all. But I do have reassurance that my hand was there, and the fingerprint I left is astounding even to me. I walked away from this minute exchange with a huge smile on my face, one that will carry me through tomorrow.

Happiness is helping other people find happiness. Truly, that's where I get it all.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Happiness is...

Brand new episodes of Glee... it's about time too. I have been anxiously awaiting the return of their vocal splendor and awesome lives. And now it's here :) What other shows get to premiere immediately after the super bowl? The entire country gets it---Glee is where it's at, and it's back baby!

Yes, I'm a Gleek. And I don't care who knows! Don't even pretend to judge either, anyone who has something bad to say obviously doesn't know the greatness of the show. Convert now, before you miss out on some of the best renditions of lovely music.

Kurt. Rachel. Finn. Artie. Tina. Schu. Quinn. Sam. Mercedes. Santana. Puck. Brittany. Mike. Someday my name will be added to this list. But for now these are the characters I adore... Gotta go, they're breaking out in song!

Monday, February 7, 2011

The game.

Happiness is...

My mother's white chili, and my new love. White beans, corn, wild rice, chicken, peppers, broth, and wonder. It's one of my new favorites and it's a pretty random find on her part. But congratulations mom.

We had it for the super bowl "party" last night, and it made it better than any party I could have single-handedly thrown.

What a good game it was. :)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Boo(ts) ya!

Happiness is...

New, cheap, cute boots. Thrifting can turn up some of the greatest treasures, like my new burgundy suede boots. Don't you wish you could see me in them? The answer is yes, yes you do.

These boots ARE made for walking.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Happiness is...

Roller Derby. This comes to you a little bit late, but no less enthusiastic.

We finally did it. We put on our leather jackets, grabbed a beer, and ventured out to see the MN Roller Girls! Totally worth your money, if you were ever wondering.

The point is for the jammer on the team to lap the pack of blockers from the opposing team. Seeing them fight for a hole just to get ahead was seriously intense. Medusa was my favorite jammer, swiping left then right to get past those bitches from Tuscon! What a show. By the end we were over 100 points ahead. No one even poses a chance against Minnesota from the looks of the game I witnessed.

At the start of the show I decided it might be fun to try. By the end I realized I would never be able to maneuver right on four wheels with that big rubber stopper. Some of them are scrappy, as you may have guessed. If I ever get the guts, I have already chosen my derby name: Kristi Yamacoochie. I could be a menace... someday...

Possibly the best part? The preshow was a step team and half time was a polka band. You have no idea what these ladies have up their sleeve. I can easily see why it becomes a culture of derby. For now, I'm glad I got a glimpse into it all for the night.

Grand slam!

Friday, February 4, 2011


Happiness is...

Driving to work in the sunrise. There is something magical about sunrises, the colors that splash across the sky, the sun as it gently peeks more and more above the horizon. Sunrises remind you that there is still beauty in life, that there is still hope with God, that there is still a reason to get up and actually head to work.

Likewise, sunrises are a mark of something better. Though you are still heading to work at the same crack of dawn time, it is a huge improvement from the age when you were going in the dark and coming in the dark. Knowing that the sun is rising makes the day seem worth living. And watching the sun rise is happiness in its purest form.

Try it. Get up early and head out of your house to enjoy the colors of awe, excellence, thankfulness, graciousness, love, peace, purity, wonder, and serenity. Those are some great colors.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Happiness is...

shower poufs. Is that the technical term for them? I don't actually care, all I know if that I can get it all sudsy and soap myself down. There is no good alternative. There is nothing as soft or plush or soapy.

Late night showers are just about as good as it gets. Wake up in the morning, and there is nothing you have to worry about besides enjoying the warm bed and slowly opening your eyes. Your skin is soft, your hair is clean, and you don't have to bounce out of bed and step under the water... unless you want another chance with the pouf.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Happiness is...

Finalizing travel details :D

More to come.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Happiness is...

Working through words with six-year-olds. Take, for example, my evening. I was reading with one of my favorites and the book starting to get difficult...

When asked what a spider is: "a really scary thing with 600 legs and two big eyes."

When asked what strange is: "when the couch was supposed to be there, but now the toy box is there and the couch is here---man that's strange..."

When asked what beautiful means: "you're beautiful and a boy wants to kiss you on the lips!"