Happiness is...
A mid day nap.
In Spain, businesses literally shut down in the afternoon hours so that people could go home, enjoy their family, and relax for a few hours. Siestas have spread around the world, and with good reason. My day is just better when I get to lay down in the early afternoon. It has been way too long since I had a nice nap, and today I took the time to indulge. Not only do I feel less sick and more energy, but I feel a little more sane. And we could all use a little sanity from time to time.
Next time your eyes are droopy or you feel close to a tantrum, take an hour to turn off the lights, pull down the shades, and crawl under your blankets. You'll be amazed by the difference it makes. The weekend should be treated as such, so try to take some time out like the world was meant to.
Naps. Yes. Good sleep, cozy dreams, and a refreshed perspective on the remainder of your Sunday. Thank you EspaƱa.
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