Friday, February 4, 2011


Happiness is...

Driving to work in the sunrise. There is something magical about sunrises, the colors that splash across the sky, the sun as it gently peeks more and more above the horizon. Sunrises remind you that there is still beauty in life, that there is still hope with God, that there is still a reason to get up and actually head to work.

Likewise, sunrises are a mark of something better. Though you are still heading to work at the same crack of dawn time, it is a huge improvement from the age when you were going in the dark and coming in the dark. Knowing that the sun is rising makes the day seem worth living. And watching the sun rise is happiness in its purest form.

Try it. Get up early and head out of your house to enjoy the colors of awe, excellence, thankfulness, graciousness, love, peace, purity, wonder, and serenity. Those are some great colors.

1 comment:

  1. Sunrises are so bomb. I've always loved them. I think the absolute best ones in the world are after waking up on Madeline Island on the beach.
